We respect our client privacy and confidentiality. Only those testimonials are published here for which we received permission.

Cat named Venus: Before Healing
Nadya from Arizona
My dear Andrew ji, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your sacred work that you've done for us. My kitty (her name is Venus) is doing great !!! She is looking healthy, eating on her own, and is very happy to be home and loved ! The work that you do is appreciated beyond measure...Thank you again. [Sep 9, 2019]

Venus after Healing
Saskia from Florida
On April 2nd, 2021, our Rosie ran out of our new home that we recently moved to. Rosie did not know the neighborhood nor her surroundings, which made her missing even more devastating. Rosie was always an indoor cat and did not know her way around the outdoors. Rosie is my 11 year old daughters emotional support companion - the two of them eat, sleep and play together every single day since the day Rosie became a part of our family. Not having Rosie home was an emotional tragedy for our family, but particularly painful for Eva. We hung flyers everywhere and posted on every possible social media website, but no one was able to identify her. Shortly after Rosie went missing, Dr. Dutta Ji, began his divine healing to help Rosie find her way home. He would check in with us often to check on our well being as well as letting us know that he is continuing in his divine process by sending energy to Rosie to help her safe return. The days went by without any sign of Rosie. On May 2nd,2021 after a full 30 days, we received a miraculous phone call from a neighbor that saw Rosie sitting under her tree from her kitchen window! She had lost a lot of weight and it showed that she had been living outside for the entire month, exposed to the harsh Florida sun, rain and daily thunderstorms. It was a true miracle that Dr. Dutta was able to bring her home to a house and neighborhood that she did not recognize or know, but more so that she was alive and healthy after all this time outdoors! Dear reader, if you need any healing or divine intervention on behalf of your family pet, please reach out to Dr. Dutta. His gift is true divinity coupled with the caring and wonderful nature of his kind human soul. Throughout the entire month he not only worked on Rosie, but he also ensured that we, as family, did not lose hope. Dear Dr. Dutta, I cannot express in words how thankful we are for Rosie's safe return. We appreciate you and the work you have done for our family. Thank you for everything. Truly. - Eva, Saskia and Rosie
Form Submission
I am grateful to God and his Angels who helped me doing this. Also thanks to all three of you for giving me this opportunity.
💜💜💜 -- Best wishes, Saskia Stamm